Children Transporter

Behyaar Co, founded in 1999/2000, initially focused on manufacturing medical equipment to address patients’ needs and enhance comfort. Over the years, the company has diversified into knowledge-based endeavors, producing advanced medical devices such as surgical tables, surgical lights, and achieving a significant milestone with the development of a cutting-edge linear accelerator for cancer treatment. By integrating science, technology, and professional expertise, Behyaar Co consistently delivers high-quality products.

One of the products produced by Bahyar Sanat Company is the Children Transporter. Hospitalization of children can be a major concern for families, as they worry about their child’s health while navigating the stressful hospital environment. To address this, Bahyaar Co’s children transporter is delicately designed to provide a comforting environment for young patients undergoing treatment.
This transporter is suitable for use in emergency rooms and various hospital departments. Its unique design allows it to function as a CPR bed, making treatment procedures more manageable for patients. Notably, its low height makes it easier for patients to walk and ride.
The Behyaar BS100-S transporter features a suitable place to hold an oxygen capsule, a central lock, a CPR lever, head tilt, shock absorbers, and the ability to adjust height using a gas jack.
For further details, please consult the product catalog.

محصولات مرتبط
اکسیژن ساز2
Oxygen Concentrator
آمبولیزاسیون (PVA)
Embolization (PVA)
پروانه ای
Epidermolysis bullosa dressing
تخت الکتریکی لیتو تریپسی(سنگ شکن)
Electrical Lithotripsy Table
میز غذا بهیار (2)
Over Bed Table
کمد کنار تخت بیمار(لاکر) (4)
Bedside Cabinet
صندلی همراه بیمار
Folding Bed
صندلی دیالیز
Dialysis Chair
برانکارد با جک هیدرولیک (2)
hydraulic Transporter
برانکارد با جک گازی
Gas jack Transporter
برانکارد ایکس ری
X-ray Transporter
تخت اندوسکوپی الکتریکی
Electrical Endoscopy Bed
تخت الکتریکی ویژه اطفال
Electrical children Bed, PICU model
تخت icu-ccu (2)
Electrical ICU-CCU Bed
C Arm تخت
C-Arm Table
تخت جراحی چشم
Electric Ophthalmic Surgical Table
تخت الکتریکی بستری مدل BS 500 بهیار
Electrical General Bed (model: BS500)